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Get the best teaching professor-Julio Licinio

Due to his world-class researches in a work depression Prof, Julio Licinio is the most popular name in the medical science that has really done a wonderful job of securing a good mental health of the human. He is the only person who has explained all the theories related to the entire chemical phenomenon that can give a better solution to depression.  Away from this research, Prof. Julio Licnio is always prepared to share his knowledge and experiences with his followers.

In recently,  Julio Licinio, a Ph.D., MD, and an Assistant Professor at Yale University has been named for senior vice President and College of Medicine dignitary at a State University in New York, Syracuse which is also known as Upstate Medical University. He has been appointed to this position due to his vast knowledge and wonderful teaching methods that can easily encourage every student to study well. He has many happy students who are always following their tricks to learn everything.

Prof. Julio Licinio received his degree of doctor of medicine from the Federal University of Bahia and accomplished his internal medicine training at the University of Sao Paulo and psychiatry training at Albert Einstein Hospital in Bronx, New York City. He also worked as a temporary advisor in the World Health Organization.

Prof. Licinio carried a big-size research work on pharmacogenomics with the advice of his peers. In that research work, he remarked that a large number of Mexican- American people are experiencing from the problem of depression. He then handover his research work to International Hap Map Project. In the end, the response of his treatment was published in other fields too.

His incredible experiences as researchers and scientists with such a tremendous name in the medical world are definitely going to change the face of Upstate Medical University and academic wander in the upcoming year. His next important work is his research and drives in developing clinical and translational science foundations and activities. If you are looking for the best professor then you can directly contact Julio Licnio for better education.


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